Friday, November 30, 2012

Seeing the Good in Technology

This image is from

Yesterday I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow college student about their view on technology. Matt is an Engineering major in his first year at Arizona Western College. He strongly believes technology exists to help the greater good.

In Matt's daily life, technology best serves him for educational purposes. His homework and assignments are in the online database Blackboard. Blackboard allows students to check any information about their classes and to also turn in work.

When asked about the specific times he used technology, Matt could not decide. "It becomes so prevalent nowadays, that I think we use it a lot of times without realizing it."

Matt feels strongly that technology can greatly aid the lives of college students. "Lots of professors that I've had will write out their notes on the Smart Board, and then they'll post those notes online so we have the professor's work that we learned in class available to us. We can communicate with other students on the Internet...we can look at what we need to do on Blackboard. Lots of colleges nowadays have iPads they can give to students...all of their curriculum is based on that iPad. They don't even need textbooks."

His idea for helping technology advance the college scene would take place in the classroom. "I think it would be cool if all lectures were recorded. If you missed a class, or if you fall asleep during'd be like you were there[in class] again. You could still learn if you weren't there."

When faced with the question on why others might see technology as negative or overbearing, Matt gave a sophisticated and analytical answer. "Technology itself isn't the problem...I think of it as a tool." Matt uses a hammer as an example. "A hammer in itself isn't bad, but if you use it wrong and accidentally hit your thumb...then you can see it as bad." "It's what people do with it, that can make it a negative thing. If they use it wrong, it can become their life and that's when it becomes a negative thing."

Even though I might be a little old-fashioned I believe Matt created an excellent argument for the benefits of technology and how it could enhance our world for the future.

A video from YouTube

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Is Technology Causing Me to Lose as Much as I Gain?"

This video is from YouTube

This question for me is complicated. In my first post I realized how much technology affects my life. The thing is...I know the repercussions of letting technology dominate your life. People become cold robots that do not remember how to interact with other humans. Research from an earlier project proves that a social disconnection between college students is already present. Technology can only widen the gap that has been already created with crazy schedules, school work and jobs. As a kid, technology was not as present as it obviously is today. I still remember that hanging out with friends was actually going outside and playing, not getting on Facebook together. Technology is getting tricky in today's society. You are completely surrounded by it even if that is not what you want. Millions of people are even hooked to their cell phones and social media networks. All I would say is that technology needs to give people's social lives a break. Technology is very helpful indeed, but mostly for the business world. When conducting business across the world technological devices such as smart phones and Skype seem appropriate. Meetings can be held with people from eight different countries if need be. That is the aspect where technology truly does its best work. Honestly, I could give up quick Google searches and Netflix to be physically closer connected to the community around me. Technology is making amazing advances every day but we must not forget what is truly important in this world. Being more efficient cannot surpass true human connection.
This image is from

Hello World!

Hi, my name is Brianna :) I guess you can say I'm pretty much a dual student right now. I'm currently completing college courses in my senior year of high school. It's a pretty strange situation and feeling but I love the new atmosphere of college. Being that I am in school, I use technology every second. My Math course is practically all online and in English we use it pretty heavily. In my daily life I use about four devices of technology religiously. I have my cell phone, my computer, my iPod and...I guess I could choose the television. My cell phone obviously keeps me connected with everything I need. It itself is a mini computer with video players and the internet. It helps me communicate through text messaging and emails. My computer is extra important right now since I have to use it to complete my school work. Right now in life, my iPod is my life saver. I listen to music everyday and it helps with everything. If I'm mad I listen to music, or if I'm sad, happy etc. If my iPod died today I would probably mourn! That might sound silly but that's just how much it's in my daily life. I never realized how often I used technology till now. On most days I'll think of a question, and if no one can answer it I use Google. I think I literally Google anything! It's a bit funny but I'm addicted. Technology helps with every aspect of my life right now and it's a bit surreal. I wonder what would happen to the world if the Internet crashed? People and major corporations would go bezerk. I know I could never get my random questions answered. Well I guess technology is pretty important in life.